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Becoming a team leader with Essens is one of the most rewarding careers you can choose.
As a legitimate multi-level-marketing
company Essens offers a leadership programme second to none. Whether your an existing Network Marketing Leader or a distributor looking for more from their business, Essens has a plan for you.
At Essens there are many advantages to becoming a sponsor, and sharing the Essens earnings opportunity. There is no separate sign up required to become a leader or career team builder, and there is no fee. Every Essens member can sponsor other people to join Essens using their personalised sign up link.
Building a team is easy. It's simply a matter of finding people like yourself, who want to earn a little (or a lot) extra each month, telling them about Essens (using a video or booklet) and then showing them what you do with the help of your upline. The team leaders at Essens have put together comprehensive training to help your new starter set up and get going. So it's quick and easy for your new team member to get started.
The registration form is one page and they need to give their name, address, telephone number, gender, date of birth and optionally a picture of themselves. They then need to tick a box to say they agree to the T&C and once they press submit they're registered and can start selling and/or benefitting from discounts straight away... yes that means you can register people who just want to buy the products with a discount. Best of all being FREE to register, with a low cost starter package makes us highly attractive to people who are struggling for cash. That is a deliberate strategy, because we genuinely want to help people, not burden them with expensive start up costs.
The short answer is yes. There have been many leaders, myself included, at Essens who have not only attained financial freedom but also time freedom with Essens.
In the above slide, you can see what it is possible to earn at each level on the Essens marketing plan. The figures in red are the average earnings at each level. There are some leaders earning more than figures shown and some earning less. It depends on your width and depth but more on that later.
At 28% you become a Silver Manager and are eligable for our 4th marketing which ensures that you still earn from any team members below you who reach the same level as you or higher. It is entirely possible for members beneath you in the structure to reach higher managerial levels and for them to earn more than you. This is NOT a pyramid scheme.
The figures in white immediately above are the group points required to reach each level. (i.e. your team points including your own).
At levels 17% and 25% which we call the 1st and 2nd key position respectively you can qualify for a car and an expenses paid holiday and luxury short break respectively.
At level 12% you qualify for the Essens academy. The academy is usually held at a local venue and you will be taught the skills needed to progress your business to the next level and beyond. There are modules at 12% for our Rising Stars and then 20% for our Upcoming managers. Once you reach Manager level there are two other academy events that you will be invited to.
If you're an existing leader with another company and you're curious about Essens. Click the button below to see what Essens can do for you.
It's actually a really simple concept.
Each Essens product has a points value. Perfumes from our standard range are worth 11 points each.
At the end of each month all the points from everyone in your entire structure is added together to form your group points. Your group points determine the level you attain on the marketing plan, so in this example, the lady in the middle (position E) has 4,200 points within her structure so her points put her at 17% on the marketing plan. This means that she will earn the full 17% of the points from her own personal sales that month.
In addition, she will earn the difference between the level she is at, and the level her top line team members are at. So in this example, the lady at A has 2400 points, putting her at 12% so the lady at E will earn the difference, 5% of A's 2400 points, i.e. 17% - 12 % is 5%. 2400 x 5% is £120 and then it follows the same principle for each team member.
In this example, the lady in the middle has earned £291 from just 4 team members in her top line. Imagine what she could earn if she had 10 team members, or 20, or 30 team members.
It's only possible to earn directly from top line team members, but you will earn indirectly from everyone in your team members downline, because your top line team members points are made up, just like yours, from their own points and every person under them in their downline.
Once you reach 28% on the first marketing plan you can't go any further on that plan. So Essens have anticipated this and introduced 6 more bonus plans.
Above the first marketing plan you can become a Gold Manager, a Platinum Manager a Platinum International Manager, a Platinum Executive Manager and a Diamond Manager or Double Diamond Manager.
Gold Manager
A gold manager needs at least 3 legs at 4000 points and will earn a share in a pot of money allocated by Essens for the Gold Manager bonuses. The pot is equal to 1% of Essens Global Turnover. It is shared between all leaders who have qualified as a Gold Manager that month. For the first three legs you will earn one share of the pot. For each additional leg at 4000 points you will earn an additional half share of the pot.
Platinum Manager
A Platinum Manager needs at least 3 legs at 10,000 points but it works in exactly the same way as the gold manager bonus thereafter. An additional 1% of Essens turnover is set aside for the Platinum Manager bonuses. There are generally less platinum manager qualifiers so the bonus is bigger.
Platinum International Manager
A Platinum International manager has 3 legs at 10,000 points made up of international turnover, i.e. turnover from members signed up form other countries outside the team leaders country. Again an additional 1% is allocated for that pot.
Platinum Executive Manager
A Platinum Executive Manager has a minimum of 3 legs at 50,000 points and again an additional 1% of the company turnover is allocated for that pot. As you can imagine there aren't many leaders who achieve that level so that bonus is very sizeable.
If you qualify at any level, you will earn all the bonuses from each level you have passed through to get to where you are. Not just the bonus from the level you are at.
Diamond Manager and Double Diamond Manager
A Diamond Manager has 5 legs at 15,000 points and they receive an additional 1% of their entire teams points, and a double diamond manager needs 10 legs at 15,000 points and then they receive an additional 2% of their entire team points, (unless there is another diamond manager anywhere in the structure. If that were the case nothing would be earned from that Diamond managers structure but they would still be paid on everything excluding that diamond manager structure).
The third plan
Additionally, if a manager level of Gold or above is maintained for at least 9 months out of 12, an annual bonus is paid to a team leader. The higher the title the bigger the bonus.
Above is the structure; what we call a Tree, of one of the leaders at Essens. Any sensitive information has been removed for privacy.
This team leader has a total of 454 members in her structure. It's important to note that not all of those members will be active, and apart from the 8 people in her top line all the others have been introduced by the original 8 people, or people under them in the downline. Anyone in the top line who members under them is known as a leg and their total team members will be greater than 1. If they are operating solely as a retailer they are known as a top line team member.
Under the personal points column are the personal points for that month of each of the members of the team. Note the number in red. For a leader to earn commission bonuses they have to place orders of at least 20 personal points so the number is red to alert the leader of that leg that they have not yet ordered enough to access their bonus.
It is the next column, group points that determine the level the team leader has achieved. In this image the team leader is over the 15000 points required to reach the 28% position but that is the highest level on the marketing plan. The earnings on the team leaders 176 personal points will be 176 x 28% which is £49.28. Not bad considering that retail profit will have been eaned on those sales as well.
In fact, this leader is at Platinum Manager level because there are 4 legs at 10,000 points or higher, which is over the minimum of 3 required to reach Platinum Manager level. The 1st leg is also at 28%. As there is no difference in the levels, no commission bonus is earned from the 1st leg under the first marketing plan. This is where the bonuses from the 2nd marketing plan and 4th marketing plan come into play.
A commission bonus will be earned under the 4th marketing plan as at Gold Manager or higher, 2% is paid out on a 28% leg down to the next double silver or gold manager (if there is one) and then 1% down to the next double silver or gold manager, so there will still be a bonus from that leg, (a double Silver manager is someone with 2, 28% legs).
From the 2nd leg in the above image, the team leader will earn the difference between her 28% level, and the 2nd legs 25% level, i.e. 3% of the 13,497.5 points which is £404.97 from that one leg. Then it will be the same for the 3rd and 4th leg, and then because the 5th leg has reached only 6%, the team leader will earn the difference i.e. 22% of the 674.5 points which is £148.39 from that leg. The bonus on the 6th leg will be paid out at 25% because they are on 3%. The team leader will receive a full 28% of the top line team members points because the team member hasn't reached the first position on the marketing plan as yet.
In addition, the team leader will receive a share of the Gold Manager bonus pot for reaching gold manager level. The pot is shared between all the leaders achieving Gold Manager status across the company. The team leader will also receive a share of the Platinum Manager pot which is shared between all the platinum managers who ahve achiever Platinum Manager that month.
The end column shows what the team leader has earned in cash, and in turn what each of her legs has earned from their teams (or own points if they don't have a team)
The left circle at the top of the tree shows what percentage of earnings is coming from which plan. The blue section relates to earnings from the first marketing plan, the red section shows the percentage from the Gold Mnaager bonus, the yellow section shows the percentage from the Platinum Manger bonus and the green section shows the percentage of earnings from the 4th marketing plan.
The right circle shows what percentage of the team leaders earnings have come from each of her legs.
The Essens Marketing Plan has been designed in such a way that nobody can sit back and let everyone else do all the work.
To benefit from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th marketing plan a leader must place an order of at least 100 personal points each month, so they have to continue promoting the products and set an example for their team.
When building a team the leader must have the 2nd, and 4th marketing plan in mind. It isn't enough to sponsor one really good team leader and let them do all the work because they will soon outstrip you. 3 legs with at least 4,000 points, are required to earn the Gold, and Platinum manager levels so it is important to build those legs evenly.
The above image is an illustration of what happens when you rely on only one leg. This team leader is on the same level as her 1st leg and the remaining legs are doing very little. The team leader is still earning 20% of their own personal points by virtue of the fact that her 1st leg has pushed her up the marketing plan and without that 1st leg the personal points would only qualify for a 6% bonus, so there is still some benefit to having a strong 1st leg but that structure will never earn the team leader life-changing amounts of money unless she builds two additional legs to her structure.
Obviously, good legs can't be magicked out of thin air so a team leader who wants to make a career out of Essens business would need to work with his/her top-line team members to develop them and help them to learn the skills needed to become a good leader themselves.
If being a team builder and leader sounds like a good fit for you, click the button below to join and start building today.
If you are currently with another MLM company, in Europe, but are looking for a change. Maybe you think you've gone as far as you can with your existing company, or perhaps the service is terrible and you're not happy, or the company's future is decidedly uncertain.
Whatever the reason we know that it's hard to make that move if you're already earning a substantial income from your team. I have personal experience because I've been in that position when I moved from Avon to Essens. You've still got to eat and pay the bills, right? For that reason if you're an existing leader with another Network Marketing company we have a leadership programme to help you move.
For the first 3 months after joining Essens if you are moving companies and rebuilding a team under you we offer additional bonuses to help you transition over.
Month 1: sign up and achieve 10,000 points you will earn an additional bonus of £1,000. At 10,000 points you would be at 25% on the marketing plan so you would earn £1,000+ from the marketing plan on top.
Month 2: achieve 20,000 points or more and receive a £2,000 bonus on top of your bonus from the marketing plan. At that level, depending on your structure, you could be earning anywhere from £2,500 to £4,000 from the marketing plan alone and you would qualify for the car programme.
Month 3: achieve 30,000 points and you'll get a bonus of £3,000. At that level, again depending on your structure you could be earning anything from £3,000 to around £5,000 from the marketing plan.
If anything in this paragraph resonates with you then let's talk and see if Essens can help. Let's see whether Essens is a good fit for you and visa versa.
Everything we say will be in complete confidence and discretion is assured. So hit the button below and let me know you want to talk about the leadership programme.
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